Jeff Willis, MD
Owner / Physician Consultant

Dr. Jeff Willis is a board-certified emergency medicine physician with 20 years of clinical experience. He has practiced in high acuity trauma centers, rural critical access hospitals, and everywhere in between. Dr. Willis obtained his medical degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine in 2003. He completed his residency training in Charlotte, NC and has been practicing in Missouri since 2006. Dr. Willis served as the department chair and medical director for a high-volume Level 1 trauma center for many years. He has a master’s degree in healthcare administration from Missouri State University, and he has owned and operated a successful emergency department staffing group.
Through his many clinical, leadership, and operational roles, Dr. Willis has reviewed thousands of peer review files and served on both peer review and medical executive committees for large health systems. He is on a mission to transform the role of physicians in medical malpractice litigation. Dr. Willis now dedicates his full-time practice to helping his attorney clients optimize their case selection, retain the best experts, and win more cases.